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  • verb

    to make wider or broader in size, scope, or application

    - "The bridge was widened to accommodate the increased traffic."
    - "The company's product line was widened to include new categories."
    - "The scope of the project was widened to include additional features."


Words rhyming with widened
dined , shrined , confined , ascended , descended , extended , compounded , confined , designed , aligned , declined , ascended , mounted , abutted , butted , buttressed , braced , fortified , garrisoned , manned , stationed , encamped , billeted , housed , lodged , quartered , barracked , dormitted , slumbered , napped , dozed , drowsed , sluggish , languid , slothful , somnolent
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. wide, wine, wain, wane, wean, won, one, own

List of all variants of widened that leads to same result
widen , widened , widener , wideners , widening , widens
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

The term 'widened' can take various forms depending on the context in which it is used. For instance, it can be used as a gerund to describe an ongoing action or process, such as 'the widening of the river'. It can also be used as a present participle to describe a current state or condition, such as 'the widened road allows for easier traffic flow'. Additionally, it can be used as a past participle to describe a completed action or process, such as 'the widened bridge connects the two sides of the river'.

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'widened' comes from the Old English word 'widian', which means 'to spread, extend, or widen'. The word has been used in English since the late 15th century.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Expansion: The term 'widened' is often used interchangeably with the term 'expansion'. Both terms refer to the process of increasing the size, scope, or application of something. For instance, the expansion of a company might involve the addition of new products or services, the entry into new markets or geographies, or the hiring of new employees or the promotion of existing employees to new roles or responsibilities.

  2. Dilation: Another related concept to the term 'widened' is the term 'dilation'. Dilation refers to the process of increasing the size or diameter of something, such as a blood vessel, a muscle, or an organ. Dilation can be a natural process, such as the dilation of a pupil in response to light, or the dilation of a muscle during contraction. Dilation can also be an artificial process, such as the dilation of a blood vessel using a catheter, or the dilation of a muscle using electrical stimulation.

  3. Broadening: Another related concept to the term 'widened' is the term 'broadening'. Broadening refers to the process of making something broader or wider in scope, application, or range. Broadening can be a natural process, such as the broadening of a river as it flows over a wide, flat plain, or the broadening of a person's experiences or knowledge as they grow older or travel to new places. Broadening can also be an artificial process, such as the broadening of a company's product line or customer base through strategic expansion or marketing efforts, or the broadening of a person's skills or qualifications through education, training, or self-study.

  4. Extension: Another related concept to the term 'widened' is the term 'extension'. Extension refers to the process of making something longer or wider in size, scope, or application. Extension can be a natural process, such as the extension of a plant as it grows from a seed to a mature organism, or the extension of a person's lifespan as they age and live longer than previous generations. Extension can also be an artificial process, such as the extension of a company's product line or customer base through strategic expansion or marketing efforts, or the extension of a person's skills or qualifications through education, training, or self-study.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

["The term 'widened' has been used in various cultural contexts to describe a wide range of concepts and phenomena. For instance, in literature, the term 'widened' has been used to describe the expansion of knowledge, the broadening of perspectives, and the deepening of emotions. In art, the term 'widened' has been used to describe the expansion of forms, the broadening of colors, and the deepening of textures. In music, the term 'widened' has been used to describe the expansion of harmony, the broadening of melody, and the deepening of rhythm."]

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