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  • verb

    to move up or higher; rise, climb

    - "The hot air rises, creating an updraft."
    - "After a long hike, the climbers ascended the final peak."
    - "The kite soared higher and higher, finally ascending into the clouds."

  1. /əˈsɛndɪd/

    Source: "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2453843"


Words rhyming with ascended
ascendant , advocate , audacious , avatar , collaborator , confidant , consultant , curator , defender , deputy , editor , emissary , escort , facilitator , guardian , helpmate , intermediary , liaison , mediator , proctor , proxy , spokesperson , steward , supplier , vendor , wholesaler , distributor
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. aisle

  2. azeotrope

  3. aze

  4. aces

  5. asset

  6. assault

  7. assent

  8. assign

  9. assignee

  10. assess

  11. assessment

  12. asset allocation

  13. assignable

  14. assiduous

  15. assimilate

  16. assimilation

  17. assonance

  18. assorted

  19. assuage

  20. assuaged

  21. assuaging

  22. assure

  23. assured

  24. assurance

  25. assuredly

List of all variants of ascended that leads to same result
ascend , ascendable , ascended , ascendible , ascending , ascends , ascended the throne , the throne
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

The word 'ascend' can appear in various forms depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some common forms of the word 'ascend': 1. Ascend (base form): This is the most basic and common form of the word 'ascend'. It simply means 'to move up or higher' or 'to rise' or 'to climb'. 2. Ascending (present participle): This form of the word 'ascend' is used to describe the action or process of ascending or rising up. For example, 'The hot air ascends, creating an updraft.' 3. Ascended (past tense and past participle): This form of the word 'ascend' is used to describe the action or process of having ascended or risen up in the past. For example, 'The balloon had ascended high into the sky before the wind caused it to descend.'

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'ascend' comes from the Latin word 'ascendere', which means 'to climb up' or 'to mount'. The word is related to the Latin words 'scandere' ('to climb'), 'subire' ('to undergo'), and 'sumere' ('to take up'). The English word 'ascend' appeared in Old English as 'ascian', which meant 'to climb up' or 'to mount'.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

["Ascend can be used in various contexts in different cultures. In ancient Greek culture, the word 'anabaino', which means 'to ascend' or 'to go up', was used in various contexts such as religious rituals, military campaigns, and mythological stories. In Hindu culture, the word 'utthana', which means 'to rise' or 'to ascend', is used in various contexts such as yoga practices, religious rituals, and mythological stories. In Christian culture, the word 'ascend' is used in various contexts such as religious rituals, mythological stories, and in the context of heaven and the afterlife. In each of these cultures, the word 'ascend' holds a significant meaning and is used in various contexts to convey different ideas and concepts.", "Ascend can also be used in various artistic and literary expressions across different cultures. For instance, in ancient Greek literature, the word 'anabaino' is used to describe the journey or ascent of a character or hero in various literary works such as epics, tragedies, and mythological stories. In Hindu literature, the word 'utthana' is used to describe the ascent or rise of various characters or heroes in various literary works such as epics, mythological stories, and religious texts. In Christian literature, the word 'ascend' is used to describe the journey or ascent of various characters or heroes in various literary works such as epics, mythological stories, and religious texts. In each of these literary and artistic expressions, the word 'ascend' holds a significant meaning and is used to convey various ideas and concepts related to the journey or ascent of a character or hero."]

Memorize "ascended" using Dictozo

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  1. Highlighting:

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  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.