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  • noun

    The background and physical surroundings in a story, a play, a film, or a poem.

    - "The novel took place in the setting of a small town in Maine."
    - "The play's dramatic setting was a haunted castle."
    - "The poem's vivid setting transported the reader to a serene meadow."

  1. /ˈsɛtɪŋ/

    Source: "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1684733"


extinguish , put out , quench , pick up

lay , put , set down , light
Words rhyming with setting
meeting , teaching , meeting , greeting
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. Setting (en) : A process of hardening or solidifying, as in setting jelly or setting concrete.

  2. Setting (en) : The act of adjusting or regulating, as in setting a clock or setting a budget.

List of all variants of setting that leads to same result
setting , settings , set , set about , set apart , set aside , set at , set eyes on , set foot in , set foot on , set forth , set forward , set her hand to , set her heart on , set her house in order , set her sights on , set her teeth on edge , set his hand to , set his heart on , set his house in order , set his sights on , set his teeth on edge , set in motion , set its hand to , set its heart on , set its house in order , set its sights on , set its teeth on edge , set my hand to , set my heart on , set my house in order , set my sights on , set my teeth on edge , set one straight , set one's hand to , set one's heart on , set one's house in order , set one's sights on , set one's teeth on edge , set our hand to , set our hands to , set our heart on , set our hearts on , set our house in order , set our houses in order , set our sights on , set our teeth on edge , set sail , set store by , set store on , set the stage , set their hand to , set their hands to , set their heart on , set their hearts on , set their house in order , set their houses in order , set their sights on , set their teeth on edge , set to music , set upon , set your hand to , set your hands to , set your heart on , set your hearts on , set your house in order , set your houses in order , set your sights on , set your teeth on edge , sets , sets about , sets apart , sets aside , sets at , sets eyes on , sets foot in , sets forth , sets her hand to , sets her heart on , sets her house in order , sets her sights on , sets her teeth on edge , sets his hand to , sets his heart on , sets his house in order , sets his sights on , sets his teeth on edge , sets in motion , sets its hand to , sets its heart on , sets its house in order , sets its teeth on edge , sets my teeth on edge , sets one's heart on , sets one's teeth on edge , sets our teeth on edge , sets sail , sets store by , sets store on , sets the stage , sets their teeth on edge , sets to music , sets upon , sets your teeth on edge , setting about , setting apart , setting aside , setting at , setting eyes on , setting foot in , setting forth , setting her hand to , setting her heart on , setting her house in order , setting her sights on , setting her teeth on edge , setting his hand to , setting his heart on , setting his house in order , setting his sights on , setting his teeth on edge , setting in motion , setting its hand to , setting its heart on , setting its house in order , setting its sights on , setting its teeth on edge , setting my hand to , setting my heart on , setting my house in order , setting my sights on , setting my teeth on edge , setting one's heart on , setting one's teeth on edge , setting our hand to , setting our hands to , setting our heart on , setting our hearts on , setting our house in order , setting our houses in order , setting our sights on , setting our teeth on edge , setting sail , setting store by , setting store on , setting the stage , setting their hand to , setting their hands to , setting their heart on , setting their hearts on , setting their house in order , setting their houses in order , setting their sights on , setting their teeth on edge , setting to music , setting upon , setting your hand to , setting your hands to , setting your heart on , setting your hearts on , setting your house in order , setting your houses in order , setting your sights on , setting your teeth on edge , setting circle , setting circles , setting-up exercise , setting-up exercises , place setting , place settings , jet set , jet sets , jet-set , jet-setter , jet-setters , jet-setting , mis-set , mis-sets , mis-setting , misset , missets , missetting , set back , sets back , setting back , set by , sets by , setting by , set down , sets down , setting down
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From the Old French 'setting' or 'seater', referring to the act of placing or putting something in a particular location.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The term 'setting' is often used interchangeably with the term 'background', but they are not exactly the same thing. While setting refers specifically to the physical and sensory aspects of the context, background refers more broadly to the general context or environment in which an event or story takes place.

  2. The setting can be an important element of a work of literature or art, as it can help establish the tone, mood, and themes of the work. It can also provide clues about the characters and their motivations.

  3. The setting can be real or imagined. For example, a novel might be set in a real city or a fictional one, or it might take place in a fantasy world entirely of the author's creation.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Background: Refers to the general context or environment in which an event or story takes place. While setting and background are related concepts, setting specifically refers to the physical and sensory aspects of the context.

  2. Mood: The atmosphere or emotional tone created by the setting in a work of literature or art. The setting can help establish the mood and contribute to the overall effect of the work.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

The setting in literature, art, and other forms of expression can serve various cultural, historical, and symbolic functions. For example, the setting of a novel can reflect the social and political climate of a particular time period or place, or it can be used to explore themes of identity, belonging, and human connection.

How to Memorize "setting"

  1. visualize

    - To visualize the setting, try to imagine the specific details described in the text or depicted in the artwork. Close your eyes and picture the scene in your mind. What does it look like? What sounds can you hear? What smells can you identify? What textures can you feel?

  2. associate

    - To remember the setting, try associating it with something familiar. For example, if the setting is described as a dense forest, you might associate it with a camping trip you took as a child. Or, if the setting is a bustling city, you might associate it with the hustle and bustle of a busy marketplace.

  3. mnemonics

    - To memorize the setting, try creating a mnemonic device. For example, you might create a sentence using the first letter of each word in the description of the setting. Or, you might create a mental image of a character or object that represents the setting.

Memorize "setting" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize setting is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.