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  • noun

    The ability to know or predict future events.

    - "His prescience saved many lives by warning the villagers about the impending storm."
    - "She has a remarkable prescience when it comes to financial markets."

  1. /ˈpɹɛsɪ.əns/

    Source: "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=89032934"

Words rhyming with prescience
precise , advice , surprise , suprise , advice , vice
List of all variants of prescience that leads to same result
prescience , presciences , prescient , presciently
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From the Latin 'praesciens', meaning 'foreseeing' or 'knowing beforehand'.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. Prescience is not the same as premonition. Premonition refers to a specific, vivid dream or vision of a future event, while prescience is the general ability to predict the future.

  2. The word 'prescience' comes from the Latin word 'praesciens', which means 'foreseeing' or 'knowing beforehand'.

  3. There are many famous figures throughout history who were said to have had remarkable prescience, including Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Jean Dixon.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Intuition: Intuition is a related concept to prescience as it also involves having a gut feeling or an inner sense about something, often without conscious reasoning.

  2. Clairvoyance: Clairvoyance is a psychic ability that involves seeing future events or hidden information, which is closely related to prescience.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

In literature, prescience is often associated with prophets, seers, and clairvoyants. In art, it can be depicted as a person with a crystal ball or a tarot reader. In music, there are songs about the power and mystery of prescience.

How to Memorize "prescience"

  1. visualize

    - Imagine a crystal ball filled with swirling water. Visualize a future event unfolding in the water.
    - Visualize a person with a knowing look on their face, as if they have insider information.

  2. associate

    - Associate the word 'prescience' with the word 'vision'. Visualize seeing the future.
    - Associate the word 'prescience' with the word 'intuition'. Visualize having a gut feeling about something.

  3. mnemonics

    - Use the acronym PRESCIENCE to remember the definition: 'P' for predict, 'R' for right, 'E' for events, 'S' for seeing, 'C' for coming, 'I' for in, 'N' for noticing, 'C' for coming, 'E' for events.

Memorize "prescience" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize prescience is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

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