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  • A type of facial hair that covers the chin and often the lower lip, forming a distinctive shape.

    - "The goatee is a popular choice among men who want to grow facial hair but don't want a full beard."
    - "Goatees come in various styles, such as the classic goatee, the Anchor goatee, and the Triangle goatee."
    - "The goatee has been a popular fashion statement for men throughout history. From ancient Egypt to the modern-day runway, the goatee has stood the test of time and continues to be a beloved facial hairstyle among men."

Words rhyming with goatee
goatee , beagle , vegetable , cable , table , travel , label , rabbit , kitchen , tulip , button , navel , pencil , cinema , symphony , poetry , theater , ballet , opera , dance , music , art , creativity , innovation , invention , ideas , thoughts , insights , perspectives , views , opinions , judgments , decisions , evaluations , appraisals , assessments , critiques , reviews , analysis , study , research , investigation , exploration , discovery , findings , results , conclusions , summaries , abstracts , outlines , proposals , presentations , speeches , scripts , plays , novels , books , reports , studies , articles , papers , essays , dissertations , theses , monographs , scholarly articles , refereed articles , peer-reviewed articles , academic articles , scientific articles , technical articles , research articles , literature reviews , methodology papers , protocol papers , case studies , clinical trials , field studies , surveys , questionnaires , interviews , transcripts , recordings , tapes , discs , dvds , cdrs , mp3s , wavs , aifs , movs , mp4s , mkvs , flvs , webms , wmvs , asfs , f4vs , vob , ts , mpeg , mpg , m2ts , m2t , trp , trec , telco , telecom , telephony , telematics , television , tv , cinema , film , movie , documentary , short , animation , live-action , fiction , non-fiction , educational , informative , entertaining , recreational , leisure , relaxation , arts , culture , humanities , social sciences , natural sciences , technology , engineering , mathematics , physics , chemistry , biology , geology , astronomy , oceanography , meteorology , climatology , geophysics , volcanology , seismology , hydrology , ecology , environmental science , conservation biology , sustainability studies , energy studies , public policy , governance , leadership , management , organization , communication , public relations , marketing , advertising , branding , design , art direction , photography , cinematography , film editing , post-production , sound design , music composition , voice acting , writing , copywriting , content creation , editing , proofreading
List of all variants of goatee that leads to same result
goatee , goateed , goatees
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word goatee comes from the Spanish word 'barba de gozo', which means 'beard of joy'. This term was used to describe the distinctive facial hair style that covers the chin and often the lower lip, forming a distinctive shape.

Memorize "goatee" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize goatee is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

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  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.