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  • adjective

    Having the capacity to breathe and grow; not dead.

    - "The plant is alive and growing."
    - "The bird flew away, alive and well."
    - "The baby was born alive."
  • adjective

    Exhibiting signs of vitality or consciousness; not dead.

    - "The patient showed signs of being alive after the accident."
    - "The tree was alive with the sound of birds singing."
    - "The crowd was alive with excitement."


  1. Source: "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=91894741"
  2. /əˈlaɪv/

    Source: "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1230203"


dead , prerecorded , recorded , blank , dummy , dead , neutral , animated , dead , broadcast

alive and kicking , extant , vital , existing , extant , ever , in the world , frisky , peppy , zestful , real , hot , alive , living , in person , in the flesh
Words rhyming with alive
wife , life , strife , knife , wife , tide , hive , jive , hive , rive
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. alive (en) : Having the capacity to breathe and grow; not dead.

  2. alive (en) : Exhibiting signs of vitality or consciousness; not dead.

  3. alive (en) : To give new life or vitality to.

List of all variants of alive that leads to same result
alive , aliveness , alivenesses , alive and kicking , alive and well , alive to , bring (something) alive , bring alive , bring something alive , burn alive , come alive , more dead than alive , skin (someone) alive , skin alive , skin someone alive , ate , ate alive , ate her heart out , ate her lunch , ate her out of house and home , ate her words , ate him out of house and home , ate his heart out , ate his lunch , ate his words , ate it out of house and home , ate its heart out , ate its lunch , ate its words , ate me out of house and home , ate my heart out , ate my lunch , ate my words , ate one out of house and home , ate one's heart out , ate one's lunch , ate one's words , ate our hearts out , ate our lunch , ate our words , ate out of her hand , ate out of his hand , ate out of its hand , ate out of my hand , ate out of one's hand , ate out of our hands , ate out of their hand , ate out of their hands , ate out of your hand , ate out of your hands , ate their heart out , ate their hearts out , ate their lunch , ate their words , ate them out of house and home , ate us out of house and home , ate you out of house and home , ate your heart out , ate your hearts out , ate your lunch , ate your words , eat , eat alive , eat her heart out , eat her lunch , eat her out of house and home , eat her words , eat him out of house and home , eat his heart out , eat his lunch , eat his words , eat it out of house and home , eat its heart out , eat its lunch , eat its words , eat me out of house and home , eat my heart out , eat my lunch , eat one out of house and home , eat one's heart out , eat one's words , eat our hearts out , eat our lunch , eat our words , eat out of her hand , eat out of his hand , eat out of its hand , eat out of one's hand , eat out of our hands , eat out of their hand , eat out of their hands , eat out of your hand , eat out of your hands , eat someone's lunch , eat their heart out , eat their hearts out , eat their lunch , eat their words , eat them out of house and home , eat us out of house and home , eat you out of house and home , eat your heart out , eat your hearts out , eat your lunch , eat your words , eaten , eaten alive , eaten her heart out , eaten her lunch , eaten her out of house and home , eaten her words , eaten him out of house and home , eaten his heart out , eaten his lunch , eaten his words , eaten it out of house and home , eaten its heart out , eaten its lunch , eaten its words , eaten me out of house and home , eaten my heart out , eaten my lunch , eaten my words , eaten one's heart out , eaten one's lunch , eaten one's words , eaten our hearts out , eaten our lunch , eaten our wordseat out of my hand , eaten out of her hand , eaten out of his hand , eaten out of its hand , eaten out of my hand , eaten out of one's hand , eaten out of our hands , eaten out of their hand , eaten out of their hands , eaten out of your hand , eaten out of your hands , eaten their heart out , eaten their hearts outeat my words , eaten their lunch , eaten their words , eaten them out of house and home , eaten us out of house and home , eaten you out of house and home , eaten your heart out , eaten your hearts out , eaten your lunch , eaten your words , eater , eaters , eating , eating alive , eating her heart out , eating her lunch , eating her out of house and home , eating her words , eating him out of house and home , eating his heart out , eating his lunch , eating his words , eating it out of house and home , eating its heart out , eating its lunch , eating its words , eating me out of house and home , eating my heart out , eating my lunch , eating my words , eating one out of house and home , eating one's heart out , eating one's lunch , eating one's words , eating our hearts out , eating our lunch , eating our words , eating out of her hand , eating out of his hand , eating out of its hand , eating out of my hand , eating out of one's hand , eating out of our hands , eating out of their hand , eating out of their hands , eating out of your hand , eating out of your hands , eating their heart out , eating their hearts out , eating their lunch , eating their words , eating them out of house and home , eating us out of house and home , eating you out of house and home , eating your heart out , eating your hearts out , eating your lunch , eating your words , eats , eats alive , eats her heart out , eats her lunch , eats her out of house and home , eats her words , eats him out of house and home , eats his heart out , eats his lunch , eats his words , eats it out of house and home , eats its heart out , eats its lunch , eats its words , eats me out of house and home , eats my lunch , eats one out of house and home , eats one's heart out , eats one's lunch , eats one's words , eats our lunch , eats out of her hand , eats out of his hand , eats out of its hand , eats out of my hand , eats out of one's hand , eats out of our hands , eats out of their hand , eats out of their hands , eats out of your hand , eats out of your hands , eats their heart out , eats their lunch , eats their words , eats them out of house and home , eats us out of house and home , eats you out of house and home , eats your lunch
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

Old English 'lifian', from 'lif', meaning 'life'.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The word 'alive' is used as the name of a popular science fiction movie and a comic book series.

  2. The term 'alive' is often used in science fiction to describe androids or other artificial beings that have been programmed to mimic human life.

  3. The word 'alive' appears in the title of many songs, including 'Alive and Kicking' by Simple Minds and 'Alive' by Pearl Jam.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. consciousness: The state of being aware of one's surroundings, thoughts, and feelings.

  2. vitality: The state of being full of life and energy.

  3. life: The condition that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms or inanimate objects.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

The term 'alive' is a fundamental concept in human life and is often used in literature, art, and music to convey a sense of vitality, energy, and consciousness. In art, the term 'alive' can refer to a painting or sculpture that appears to have a sense of movement or vitality. In music, a 'lively' piece is one that is full of energy and spirit. In literature, the term 'alive' can be used to describe a character or setting that is vibrant and full of life.

How to Memorize "alive"

  1. visualize

    - Visualize a plant growing in the ground, its leaves reaching towards the sun. Imagine the water absorbing into the roots and the nutrients traveling up to the leaves.
    - Visualize a person taking a deep breath and feeling the air fill their lungs. Imagine their heart beating and their body moving.
    - Visualize a baby being born, its first cry signaling the beginning of its life.

  2. associate

    - Associate the word 'alive' with the color green, as in the color of growing plants.
    - Associate the word 'alive' with the sound of a heartbeat or the rustling of leaves.
    - Associate the word 'alive' with the feeling of energy and vitality.

  3. mnemonics

    - Use the acronym LIFE to remember that 'alive' means 'having the capacity to breathe and grow'.
    - Use the phrase 'signs of life' to remember the definition of 'alive'.
    - Use the mnemonic 'A Live Tree Grows' to remember the definition of 'alive'.

Memorize "alive" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize alive is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.