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  • transitive verb

    meaning 1: to make (something) more secure or effective by adjusting or manipulating it.

    - "He tightened the screws on the bike tire."
    - "The coach tightened the team's defense strategies before the big game."
    - "She tightened her grip on the ropes as she climbed the cliff."
  • intransitive verb

    meaning 2: to constrict (a part of the body) with force, causing pain or discomfort.

    - "His muscles tightened in response to the cold water."
    - "She winced as her jaw tightened from the pressure of the dental drill."
    - "During the marathon, his legs began to tighten from the exertion and fatigue."
  • transitive verb

    meaning 3: to make (something) more compact or dense, by reducing the amount of space between its parts.

    - "The crowd surged forward, tightening the space between the people."
    - "He compressed the clay into a dense, solid block."
    - "During the bake, the dough rose and expanded, but when it came out of the oven, it had tightened back up into its original shape."


Words rhyming with tightened
tight-right , light-might , sight-bright , out of sight , out of mind , bind-find , grind-bind , bind-wind , wind-wind , wind-find , find-bind
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. heat-he's-ate, tease-teaze, right-rights, to-too, two-to, twine-twine

List of all variants of tightened that leads to same result
tighten , tighten her belt , tighten his belt , tighten its belt , tighten my belt , tighten one's belt , tighten our belt , tighten our belts , tighten their belt , tighten their belts , tighten your belt , tightened , tightened her belt , tightened his belt , tightened its belt , tightened my belt , tightened one's belt , tightened our belt , tightened our belts , tightened their belt , tightened their belts , tightened your belt , tightener , tighteners , tightening , tightening her belt , tightening his belt , tightening its belt , tightening my belt , tightening one's belt , tightening our belt , tightening our belts , tightening their belt , tightening their belts , tightening your belt , tightens , tightens her belt , tightens his belt , tightens its belt , tightens one's belt , tightens their belt , tightens their belts , tighten up , tightened up , tightening up , tightens up
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

tightened (past tense), tightening (present participle), tight (adjective), tighten (infinitive verb), tightener (noun)

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

Old English tigan, tighian: to make or become tight; to draw together or compress.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

Tightening can be seen as a metaphor for various aspects of human life. Here are some examples: 1. Personal growth: Tightening can represent the process of becoming more focused, disciplined, and effective in achieving one's goals. 2. Relationships: Tightening can symbolize the process of bringing people closer together, through acts of love, commitment, and understanding. 3. Art and music: Tightening can represent the process of refining and perfecting artistic expression, through the careful manipulation and arrangement of various elements and techniques. 4. Technology and innovation: Tightening can symbolize the process of improving and advancing technological capabilities, through the application of innovative ideas, methods, and tools.

Memorize "tightened" using Dictozo

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