A private individual or ship authorized by their government to attack and seize merchant vessels of the enemy during wartime.
- "During the War of 1812, privateers from the United States sailed the Atlantic in search of British merchant ships to attack."
- "The privateer's prize money was split among the crew based on their contribution to the capture of the enemy vessel."
Words rhyming with privateerpriver , quiver , liver , hiver
List of all variants of privateer that leads to same resultprivateer , privateered , privateering , privateers
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.From the Old French word 'prive' meaning 'private' and 'ier' meaning 'to row'. Privateers were essentially privately-owned military vessels.
Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word-
Privateers were often paid a percentage of the value of the cargo they captured, making their income potentially very large.
The famous pirate Blackbeard reportedly began his career as a privateer.
Privateering was officially outlawed by international treaty in the late 1800s, but some privateers continued to operate illegally for many years after that.
Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to-
Letter of Marque: A legal document issued by a government that authorized a privateer to attack enemy vessels during wartime. The letter of marque served as proof that the privateer was acting under the authority of their government and was not a pirate.
Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.Privateers played a significant role in maritime warfare during the Age of Sail. They were often seen as heroes in their home countries for their contributions to the war effort, but were viewed as pirates by the enemy and by neutral nations. Many privateers went on to become successful businessmen and politicians after their seafaring careers.
How to Memorize "privateer"
- Imagine a large, wooden sailing ship with armed men on deck, scanning the horizon for enemy vessels. Visualize the excitement and tension as they spot an enemy ship and prepare to attack.
- Associate the word 'privateer' with the idea of private military forces, or with the concept of individuals working for their own financial gain during wartime.
- Remember the acronym P-R-I-V-A-T-E-E-R: Private Individuals Validly Authorized To Engage Ennemies and Reap Rewards.
Memorize "privateer" using Dictozo
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