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  • meaning 1: having grown too large or mature for a particular situation or person

    - "Example 1: Although he was a brilliant student, he found the rigid classroom environment of his elite high school outgrown by the time he graduated."
  • meaning 2: no longer useful or fitting; worn out or obsolete

    - "Example 1: The once-fashionable bell-bottom jeans had become outgrown by the time the trend shifted to high-waisted jeans."

Words rhyming with outgrown
grown , throne , mown , drawn , lawn , scrawny , rawny , grained , brained , plained
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. outgroan, outgroaner, outgroaning, outgrows, outgrowth, outgrown, outgrowing

List of all variants of outgrown that leads to same result
outgrew , outgrow , outgrowing , outgrown , outgrows
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

The word 'outgrown' can be used in various forms and contexts. For example, it can be used as a verb to describe the process of growing beyond a particular situation, person, style, or movement. For example, 'He had outgrown his old job and was looking for a new challenge.' It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that has grown beyond a particular situation, person, style, or movement. For example, 'The outgrown children's toys were donated to the local school.' It can also be used as a noun to describe the state or condition of having grown beyond a particular situation, person, style, or movement. For example, 'He was in a state of outgrowth, both physically and emotionally.'

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'outgrown' comes from the Old English word 'groman', meaning 'large' or 'grown-up'. The 'out-' prefix in 'outgrown' denotes 'beyond' or 'past', implying that something has grown too large or mature for a particular situation or person.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

The term 'outgrown' has been used in various forms of literature, art, music, and other cultural expressions. For example, in literature, the concept of 'outgrowing' a particular situation or person is a common theme in coming-of-age stories, as well as in novels and short stories that explore the complexities of human relationships. In art, the concept of 'outgrowing' a particular artistic style or movement is a common theme in the work of many artists throughout history. For example, in music, the concept of 'outgrowing' a particular musical genre or style is a common theme in the work of many musicians throughout history. For example, Bob Dylan is known for having 'outgrown' his early folk music style and having evolved into a more rock-oriented sound throughout his career. Similarly, Jimi Hendrix is known for having 'outgrown' the blues-rock style of his early career and having evolved into a more psychedelic and experimental sound throughout his career. In summary, the term 'outgrown' has been used in various forms of literature, art, music, and other cultural expressions to describe the process of growing beyond a particular situation, person, style, or movement. Whether in literature, art, music, or other forms of cultural expression, the concept of 'outgrowing' a particular situation, person, style, or movement is a powerful and enduring theme that continues to resonate with audiences across generations and cultures.

Memorize "outgrown" using Dictozo

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