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  • noun

    A genus of tropical pitcher plants, known for their unique and elaborate pitchers that trap and drown insects.

    - "The Nepenthes rajah is the national flower of Sarawak."
    - "Visitors to Borneo can explore the rainforests to see Nepenthes pitcher plants in their natural habitat."

  1. /nɪˈpɛnθiːz/

    Source: "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90827215"
  2. /nɪˈpɛnθiːz/

    Source: "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90827215"


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origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

Derived from the Greek word 'nepenthes', meaning 'forgetting sorrows' or 'consoling the mind'. This name was given due to the belief that the intoxicating scent of the plants could help alleviate sadness.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The Nepenthes rajah is the largest known Nepenthes species, with pitchers that can grow up to 1.5 meters tall.

  2. Nepenthes pitcher plants are not only found in rainforests, but also in mountainous regions and even on limestone cliffs.

  3. Some Nepenthes species have been found to produce nectar, which attracts insects to the pitchers and helps facilitate the digestion process.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Sarracenia: Another genus of pitcher plants, native to North and Central America. While Nepenthes and Sarracenia are both pitcher plants, they belong to different families and have distinct morphological and ecological differences.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

Nepenthes have been an important part of the cultural heritage of the Borneo and Sumatra regions for centuries. They have been used in traditional medicine, as well as in religious and spiritual practices. In literature, the Nepenthes genus has been featured in works by authors such as Rudyard Kipling and Arthur Conan Doyle.

How to Memorize "nepenthes"

  1. visualize

    - Imagine a lush rainforest, with towering trees and vibrant foliage. Among the plants, you see a Nepenthes pitcher, with its unique and intricate design, waiting to trap unsuspecting insects.

  2. associate

    - Associate the name Nepenthes with the image of a beautiful, exotic rainforest, full of life and wonder.

  3. mnemonics

    - Remember the acronym 'Nice Plants Exist Everywhere': Nepenthes, along with other fascinating plant species, can be found all over the world.

Memorize "nepenthes" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize nepenthes is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.