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  • An object or person wrapped in bandages or other materials to preserve or mummify it.

    - "The ancient Egyptians mummified their dead to preserve their bodies for the afterlife."
    - "The natural mummification process occurs when a body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures and dry conditions."


mummy brown
Words rhyming with mummies
mummies , dummies , bumbies , plummies , jummies , nummies
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. mummies

  2. mommy's

  3. mummy's

  4. momme's

  5. mommee's

  6. mumme's

  7. mummee's

List of all variants of mummies that leads to same result
mommy , mummies , mummy
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

mummies, mummification, mummy-making, mummy-preservation, mummies-making, mummy-arts, mummy-crafts

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The English word 'mummies' comes from the Latin word 'mummia', which referred to the powdered or pulverized remains of mummies. The Latin word 'mummia' is believed to have originated from the Egyptian word 'mmy' or 'mmi', which meant 'mother' or 'my-mother'. This suggests that the term 'mummies' may have originally referred to the preserved or mummified remains of mothers or my-mothers in ancient Egypt.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt refers to the civilization and culture of ancient Egypt, which emerged around 3100 BCE and lasted until the Arab conquest of Egypt in 640 CE. Ancient Egypt is considered one of the most influential civilizations in world history, making significant contributions to art, literature, science, mathematics, engineering, religion, philosophy, and the development of complex societies and political structures.

  2. Ancient Egyptian Religion: Ancient Egyptian Religion refers to the religious beliefs, practices, and traditions of ancient Egypt, which emerged around 3100 BCE and lasted until the Arab conquest of Egypt in 640 CE. Ancient Egyptian Religion was polytheistic, animistic, and dualistic in nature, with a complex pantheon of gods and goddesses, each with their own specific domain, function, or role in the universe and in the lives of the ancient Egyptians themselves. Ancient Egyptian Religion was also closely intertwined with other aspects of ancient Egyptian culture, such as art, literature, science, mathematics, engineering, religion, philosophy, and the development of complex societies and political structures.

  3. Ancient Egyptian Mythology: Ancient Egyptian Mythology refers to the body of myths, legends, stories, beliefs, and traditions that were prevalent in ancient Egypt during the Predynastic, Dynastic, and Late periods, which spanned from around 3100 BCE to 332 BCE. Ancient Egyptian Mythology was a complex and multi-layered belief system, which encompassed a wide range of gods, goddesses, mythical beings, heroes, and heroines, each with their own specific role, function, or domain in the universe and in the lives of the ancient Egyptians themselves. Ancient Egyptian Mythology was also closely intertwined with other aspects of ancient Egyptian culture, such as art, literature, science, mathematics, engineering, religion, philosophy, and the development of complex societies and political structures.

  4. Ancient Egyptian Art: Ancient Egyptian Art refers to the visual arts and crafts produced by the ancient Egyptians during the Predynastic, Dynastic, and Late periods, which spanned from around 3100 BCE to 332 BCE. Ancient Egyptian Art encompassed a wide range of media, including painting, sculpture, relief carving, pottery, glassmaking, metalworking, textiles, and leatherwork, among others. Ancient Egyptian Art was also closely intertwined with other aspects of ancient Egyptian culture, such as religion, philosophy, science, mathematics, engineering, and the development of complex societies and political structures.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

Mummies have held significant cultural, historical, and symbolic significance throughout history, particularly in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians believed that the soul or ka of the deceased person would travel to the afterlife, where it would be reunited with the deceased person's body. In order to ensure that the deceased person's body would be preserved and not decay, the ancient Egyptians mummified their dead by removing their internal organs, stuffing the body cavities with linen or other materials, and applying resins, oils, or other substances to the exterior of the mummy to help preserve it and keep it from drying out or cracking. The ancient Egyptians also placed various amulets, charms, or other protective items on or near the mummy to help ensure its protection and preservation for the afterlife. The study and preservation of mummies and other ancient Egyptian artifacts and remains continue to be of great cultural, historical, and scientific significance today, providing valuable insights into the history, culture, and traditions of ancient Egypt and the ancient Egyptians themselves.

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