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  • verb

    To make something less heavy or burdensome.

    - "He lightened the load on his back."
    - "The doctor prescribed a lightened diet to help her lose weight."

Words rhyming with lightened
laden , shaden , faded , weighed , veiled
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. light bulb, lightweight, lightning, lighten up, light as a feather

List of all variants of lightened that leads to same result
lighten , lightened , lightening , lightens , lighten up , lightened up , lightening up , lightens up
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

past tense: lightened; past participle: lightened; present participle: lightening

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

Old English 'leohtan' meaning 'to make bright, to light'.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. weightlessness: A feeling or sensation of being weightless or free from the effects of gravity.

  2. reduction: A process or action of making something smaller, less in size or amount, or less complex or detailed, often in order to make it more manageable, more efficient, or more convenient to use or transport.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

["In literature, 'lightened' can refer to a person or situation that has become less burdensome or heavy. For example, in Shakespeare's 'A Winter's Tale,' the character Leontes is described as being 'lightened' of his madness and grief. In art, 'lightened' can refer to a technique used to make certain areas of a painting appear brighter or lighter in contrast to the surrounding areas. For example, in the painting 'The Starry Night' by Vincent van Gogh, the sky is depicted as being 'lightened' with swirling stars and clouds, creating a dramatic contrast with the darker, more subdued areas of the painting. In music, 'lightened' can refer to a technique used to make certain sections of a musical composition appear brighter, more uplifting, or less burdensome in contrast to the surrounding sections. For example, in the symphony 'Eroica' by Ludwig van Beethoven, the third movement is known for its 'lightened' character, featuring a lively, upbeat melody played by the woodwinds and strings, creating a sense of joy and exuberance that contrasts with the more serious, somber mood of the first and second movements. In everyday life, 'lightened' can refer to a feeling or sensation of being less burdened, less stressed, or less worried, allowing one to feel more relaxed, more at ease, or more free to enjoy the present moment."]

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