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  • the property or gifts left by someone, especially a deceased person

    - "The business tycoon left a vast legacy for his family."
    - "The legacy of ancient Greek philosophy continues to influence modern thought."


Words rhyming with legacies
legacies , sympathies , apologies , archives
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. legacy (en) : something inherited from the past, especially the traditions, achievements, or influence of a particular person, group, or period.

  2. legacy (en-GB) : A bequest or endowment, especially one established by a will. Inheritance, especially one that involves considerable wealth or responsibility.

  3. legacy (en-US) : property or possession that is passed down through families from one generation to the next.

  4. legacy (en-ZA) : A bequest or inheritance, especially one of considerable size or importance. The accumulated possessions or wealth of a person or family, especially that which is passed down through the generations.

  5. legacy (es) : herencia, legado, bienes raíces. La propiedad o bienes que se heredan de generación en generación.

  6. legacy (fr) : héritage, legacy, succession, transmission. La propriété ou bien qu'on hérite de génération en génération. La transmission de biens, de connaissances ou de traditions d'une génération à l'autre.

  7. legacy (de) : Erbe, Erbschaft, Vererbung, Erbstück. Die Vermögenswürdigkeiten, die von Generation zu Generation vererbt werden.

  8. legacy (it) : eredità, lascito, successione, trasmissione. La proprietà o cosa che si trasmette di generazione in generazione.

  9. legacy (nl) : erfenis, erfgoed, nalatenschap, overerving. De bezitbare goederen of waarderbare zaken die van generatie op generatie overerven worden.

  10. legacy (pt) : herança, patrimônio, legado, sucessão, transmissão. A propriedade ou coisa que se transfere de geração em geração.

  11. legacy (ru) : наследие, legacy, наследство, legacy, наследуемое, legacy, наследуемое имущество, legacy, наследуемое имущество и доходы, legacy, наследуемое имущество и доходы, а также культурное, историческое и символическое значение, legacy, a legacy that continues to influence modern thought and culture.

List of all variants of legacies that leads to same result
legacies , legacy
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

from old French, 'legacie', from latin, 'legatus' meaning 'commissioned', 'envoy' or 'legate'.

Memorize "legacies" using Dictozo

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