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  • A country located in the Caribbean Sea.

    - "The beautiful island country of Jamaica is located in the Caribbean Sea."
    - "Jamaica, a country in the Caribbean Sea, is known for its vibrant culture and stunning natural beauty."

Words rhyming with jamaica
Jamaica , Nepal , Palestine , Timbuktu
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. Jamaica () : A country located in the Caribbean Sea.

  2. Jamaica () : A large, flat, rectangular piece of land, often used for agriculture or other productive activities.

  3. Jamaica () : A type of fabric or cloth made from the bark of the mulberry tree, which is commonly used for making paper or textiles.

  4. Jamaica () : A country or region characterized by its tropical climate, lush vegetation, and abundant natural resources, particularly in the areas of agriculture, forestry, and fishing.

  5. Jamaica () : A type of dish or meal that originated in Jamaica, typically featuring a combination of spices, fruits, vegetables, and meats, all cooked together in a rich, flavorful sauce.

  6. Jamaica () : A type of music that originated in Jamaica, typically featuring a strong rhythmic beat, often accompanied by catchy melodies, lyrics that speak to the experiences and emotions of the Jamaican people, and the use of various musical instruments, including the drums, bass guitar, keyboards, saxophone, trumpet, and maracas.

  7. Jamaica () : A country located in the Caribbean Sea, known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and warm, welcoming people. Jamaica is home to a diverse range of indigenous and African-descended peoples, each with their own unique cultural traditions, languages, music, art, literature, and cuisine. Jamaica is also famous for its natural beauty, including its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, lush green forests, towering waterfalls, and breathtaking mountain vistas. Jamaica is also known for its rich cultural heritage, which is reflected in its diverse range of indigenous and African-descended cultural traditions, languages, music, art, literature, and cuisine.

List of all variants of jamaica that leads to same result
Jamaica , Jamaican , Jamaica rum , Jamaica rums , Jamaica Bay
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The name 'Jamaica' is believed to have originated from the Taíno language, which was spoken by the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean. The exact meaning of the word 'Jamaica' in the Taíno language is uncertain and subject to debate among scholars.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean Sea.

  2. The capital city of Jamaica is Kingston.

  3. Jamaica is home to the Blue Mountains, which are the highest mountain range in Jamaica and are famous for their cool climate, lush vegetation, and stunning natural beauty.

  4. Jamaica is famous for its reggae music, which originated in Jamaica in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Reggae music is characterized by its strong rhythmic beat, often accompanied by catchy melodies, lyrics that speak to the experiences and emotions of the Jamaican people, and the use of various musical instruments, including the drums, bass guitar, keyboards, saxophone, trumpet, and maracas.

  5. Jamaica is also famous for its jerk chicken and jerk pork, which are traditional Jamaican dishes made from marinated meat that is grilled over an open flame. Jerk chicken and jerk pork are known for their spicy, savory, and smoky flavors, which are derived from the use of various spices, herbs, and seasonings, as well as the smoking process used to cook the meat.

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