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  • An emotion or feeling that is difficult to describe or express in words.

    - "She had an inexpressible feeling of joy and sadness at the same time."
    - "The sunset had an inexpressible beauty that left the onlookers speechless."



inexpressable , unexpressible
Words rhyming with inexpressible
unapproachable , inaccessible , untouchable , invulnerable , impregnable , indefatigable , unconquerable , undefeatable , unbeatable , unsurpassable , incomparable , peerless , matchless , unparalleled , without equal , unequaled
Words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins
  1. Inexpressible (en) : An emotion or feeling that is difficult to describe or express in words.

  2. Inexpressible (fr) : Indescriptible, imprévisible, inexplorable.

  3. Inexpressible (es) : Impresible, indescriptible, inefable.

  4. Inexpressible (it) : Impreso, indescriibile, inefabile.

  5. Inexpressible (de) : Unaussprechliches, Unbeschreibliches, Unbeschreibbares.

  6. Inexpressible (nl) : Onuitdrukbaar, Onbeschrijfbaar, Onausspreekbaar.

  7. Inexpressible (ru) : Бессловесное, Неописымое, Невыразимое.

  8. Inexpressible (ja) : 表現できない、説明できない、描画できない。

  9. Inexpressible (ko) : 표현이 가능하지 않는다. 묘사가 가능하지 않다. 설명이 가능하지 않다.

Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. Inexpressible (en) : An emotion or feeling that is difficult to describe or express in words.

  2. Inexpressible (fr) : Indescriptible, imprévisible, inexplorable.

List of all variants of inexpressible that leads to same result
inexpressibilities , inexpressibility , inexpressible , inexpressibleness , inexpressiblenesses , inexpressibly
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

The word 'inexpressible' can take various forms depending on the context in which it is used. For example, it can appear as an adjective modifying a noun, such as 'inexpressible joy' or 'inexpressible sadness'. It can also appear as a noun, such as 'the inexpressible' or 'the enigma of the inexpressible'. In addition, the word 'inexpressible' can also appear in various forms depending on the language or dialect in which it is used. For example, in French, the word 'inexpressible' can appear as 'inexpressible', 'inéxprimable', or 'ineffable'. In Spanish, the word 'inexpressible' can appear as 'inexpressible', 'inexpressible', 'inexpressible', or 'inexpressible'. In Chinese, the word 'inexpressible' can appear as '无法表达的', ' '无名之誉的', ' '不言而喻的', ' '晦暗难扪之物的', or ' '顿挫难当之物的'. These are just a few examples of how the word 'inexpressible' can appear in various forms depending on the context or language in which it is used.

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'inexpressible' comes from the Latin word 'inexpressibilis', which means 'unable to be expressed or described in words'.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The word 'inexpressible' first appeared in English in the 16th century. It is derived from the Latin word 'inexpressibilis', which means 'unable to be expressed or described in words'.

  2. In literature, the concept of the inexpressible has been explored in various forms and genres. For example, in modernist literature, the inexpressible is often explored through the use of fragmented, stream-of-consciousness narratives, which seek to capture the inexpressible experiences and emotions of the characters. In contrast, in romantic literature, the inexpressible is often explored through the use of lyrical, poetic language, which seeks to evoke and express the inexpressible emotions and passions of the characters.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

In various cultures, the concept of the inexpressible has been explored in literature, art, music, and philosophy. For instance, in ancient Greek literature, the concept of the inexpressible was embodied in the character of the Muse of Tragedy, who was believed to inspire poets and playwrights with inexpressible feelings and ideas. Similarly, in Chinese art and literature, the concept of the inexpressible was expressed through the use of metaphors, symbols, and allusions. For example, in the famous Chinese poem 'The Moon Represents My Heart', the poet uses the metaphor of the moon to represent his own heart, which is filled with inexpressible feelings and emotions. Through such literary and artistic expressions, the concept of the inexpressible has been explored and celebrated in various cultures throughout history.

Memorize "inexpressible" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize inexpressible is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

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  2. Periodic Reminders:

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