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  • An idea or concept that is so far beyond one's comprehension that it seems impossible.

    - "The concept of time travel is inconceivability to some people."
    - "The idea of a parallel universe is inconceivability to many people."

Words rhyming with inconceivability
ability , adaptability , adulthood , availability , capability , competence , composure , credibility , dependability , durability , effectiveness , efficiency , feasibility , flexibility , functionality , responsiveness , sustainability , trustworthiness , viability , validity , veracity
Words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins
  1. Inconceivability is a homonym, which means that it can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Some common homonyms of inconceivability include: 1. Inconceivable (adjective): This means that something is beyond human comprehension or belief. For example, 'The concept of time travel is inconceivable to many people.' 2. Inconceivable (noun): This refers to something that is beyond human comprehension or belief. For example, 'The discovery of a new element with properties that defy explanation is an inconceivable event.' 3. Inconceivable (verb): This means to make something beyond human comprehension or belief. For example, 'The inventor claimed that his new device could create a reality that was inconceivable to the human mind.'

Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. inconceivability, inconceivable ability, inconceivable adaptability, inconceivable adulthood, inconceivable availability, inconceivable capability, inconceivable competence, inconceivable composure, inconceivable credibility, inconceivable dependability, inconceivable durability, inconceivable effectiveness, inconceivable efficiency, inconceivable feasibility, inconceivable flexibility, inconceivable functionality, inconceivable responsiveness, inconceivable sustainability, inconceivable trustworthiness, inconceivable viability, inconceivable validity, inconceivable veracity

List of all variants of inconceivability that leads to same result
inconceivabilities , inconceivability , inconceivable , inconceivableness , inconceivablenesses , inconceivably
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

Inconceivability can take various forms depending on the context in which it is used. Some common forms of inconceivability include: 1. Cosmic inconceivability: This refers to the idea or concept that is beyond the reach of human comprehension, and which is often described as being of cosmic significance. 2. Mathematical inconceivability: This refers to the idea or concept that is beyond the reach of current mathematical methods, and which is often described as being of mathematical significance. 3. Philosophical inconceivability: This refers to the idea or concept that is beyond the reach of human comprehension, and which is often described as being of philosophical significance. Other forms of inconceivability may include artistic inconceivability, scientific inconceivability, and so on.

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From Middle English inconceivable, from in- 'not' + conceivable 'capable of being conceived'.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

["Inconceivability has been used extensively in literature and art to describe ideas or concepts that are beyond human comprehension. For example, H.P. Lovecraft's short stories often feature the concept of inconceivability, which he called 'cosmic horror'. Similarly, Salvador DalĂ­'s painting 'The Persistence of Memory' is famous for its depiction of melting clocks, which is often interpreted as a representation of the fluid and uncertain nature of time, and by extension, the concept of inconceivability.", "Inconceivability has also been used in philosophy to describe ideas or concepts that are beyond human comprehension. For example, the concept of God has often been described as inconceivability, since it is beyond human comprehension to fully grasp the nature and essence of God.", "Inconceivability has also been used in mathematics to describe concepts that are beyond the reach of current mathematical methods. For example, the concept of a transfinite number is often described as inconceivability, since it is beyond the reach of current mathematical methods to fully grasp the nature and essence of a transfinite number."]

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