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  • the act of inhaling or drawing air into the lungs

    - "He took a deep inbreathed before starting his speech."
    - "The athlete held his breath during the dive, then inbreathed deeply as he resurfaced."


breathe out , exhale , outbreathe
Words rhyming with inbreathed
believe , receive , perceive , deceive , grieve
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. inhale

  2. inbred

  3. inbite

  4. inbind

List of all variants of inbreathed that leads to same result
inbreathe , inbreathed , inbreathes , inbreathing
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

inbreathed, inbreathes, inbreatheds

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

derived from the Old French word 'enpréter', meaning 'to borrow in' or 'to breathe in'. The 'in-' prefix in 'inbreathed' comes from the Old French 'en-' prefix, which indicated 'in' or 'into'.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. prana: In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, 'prana' refers to the vital energy or life force that pervades the universe and sustains all living beings. 'Prana' is believed to be present in the air we breathe, as well as in the food we eat and the water we drink. In Hindu and Buddhist practices, various techniques, such as meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga, are used to help individuals cultivate and harness their 'prana' in order to promote their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

  2. vital force: In various philosophical, spiritual, and scientific traditions, the concept of 'vital force' refers to the inherent energy or life force that sustains and animates all living organisms. The exact nature and manifestation of this vital force may vary depending on the particular philosophical, spiritual, or scientific tradition in question. Some traditions may emphasize the importance of the vital force in maintaining physical health and longevity, while others may focus more on the role of the vital force in spiritual growth and enlightenment. Regardless of the particular philosophical, spiritual, or scientific tradition in question, the concept of vital force remains an important and enduring aspect of human understanding and belief about the nature and origins of life and the universe.

  3. qi: In traditional Chinese culture, 'qi' (pronounced 'chee') refers to the vital energy or life force that flows through all living things and connects them to the natural world and the universe as a whole. In traditional Chinese philosophy and spirituality, the concept of qi is believed to be essential for maintaining good health, longevity, and spiritual well-being. According to traditional Chinese belief, each person is born with a certain amount of qi, which is inherited from their parents and is believed to influence their physical, mental, and emotional characteristics and tendencies throughout their lives. In traditional Chinese culture, the concept of qi is believed to be closely related to the concepts of yin and yang, which are also fundamental concepts in traditional Chinese philosophy, spirituality, and culture. According to traditional Chinese belief, the concept of qi is believed to play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and harmony between the opposing forces of yin and yang within the body and the natural world as a whole. In traditional Chinese philosophy and spirituality, the concept of qi is believed to be essential for maintaining good health, longevity, and spiritual well-being, and is believed to play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and harmony between the opposing forces of yin and yang within the body and the natural world as a whole.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

In various cultures, 'inbreathed' has been used metaphorically to describe different concepts. In Hinduism, for instance, 'pranayama' is a breathing technique that involves intentional inhalation and exhalation. In this context, the inbreathed is seen as the life force that sustains both the individual and the universe. In other traditions, such as Christianity or Buddhism, the inbreathed may be used metaphorically to describe the divine presence or the path to enlightenment.

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