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  • adjective

    Providing friendly and generous reception to guests or strangers.

    - "The hotel was very hospitable to its guests."
    - "Despite being strangers, they were made to feel quite hospitable in the village."


Words rhyming with hospitable
compatible , hospitable , compliable , applicable
List of all variants of hospitable that leads to same result
hospitable , hospitably
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From the Latin word 'hospes' meaning guest or stranger, and the suffix '-itable' making an adjective.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The ancient Greeks believed that Zeus, the king of the gods, was the god of hospitality.

  2. The word 'hospitable' was first used in English in the 15th century.

  3. The longest recorded hospitality in literature is that of the Arabian Nights, where the storyteller Scheherazade tells a new story every night to her husband, King Shahryar, for 1001 nights, thus saving her own life.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. hospitality: The quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, and generous way.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

In literature and art, the concept of hospitability is often portrayed as a virtue, representing the warmth and kindness shown to strangers and guests. It is a common theme in many folktales and myths, where hospitality is rewarded with blessings and prosperity.

How to Memorize "hospitable"

  1. visualize

    - Imagine a warm and welcoming house, with a sign that reads 'Welcome Guests' and a friendly host greeting visitors.

  2. associate

    - Associate the word 'hospitable' with the feeling of warmth and kindness.

  3. mnemonics

    - Use the acronym 'HOSPO' to remember the meaning of hospitable: H - Hospitality, O - Offering, S - Services, P - Pleasing, O - Others.

Memorize "hospitable" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize hospitable is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.