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  • A word used to describe an object or a situation that emits light or appears luminous.

    - "The fireflies were glowing in the dark forest."
    - "The Christmas tree was aglow with twinkling lights."
    - "The neon sign was glowing brightly on the side of the road."

Words rhyming with glowing
glowing , growing , knowing , showing , thriving , driving , surviving , reviving , striving , priving , riving , heaving , neaving , leaving , cleaving , deaving , seaving , reaving , reviving , revival , resurrection
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. Glowing (en) : The word 'glowing' refers to an object or a situation that emits light or appears luminous.

  2. Glowing (en) : The word 'glowing' is a variant of the word 'glowing', which refers to an object or a situation that emits light or appears luminous.

  3. Glow (en) : The word 'glow' is a verb that means 'to emit light or give off a soft, steady light'. It is often used to describe an object or a situation that appears luminous or emits light in a soft, steady manner.

  4. Glowing ember (en) : A 'glowing ember' is a term used to describe a hot coal that is still emitting light in a soft, steady manner. The coal may appear red, orange, or yellow, depending on the temperature and the amount of oxygen available to the coal.

List of all variants of glowing that leads to same result
glowing , glowingly , glow , glowed , glows , in glowing terms
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

{"text"=>"The word 'glowing' can appear in various forms, depending on the context and the part of speech it is used in. Some common forms of the word 'glowing' include the following:", "part_of_speech"=>""}, {"text"=>"1. Present participle: Glowing", "part_of_speech"=>"Present participle"}, {"text"=>"2. Past participle: Glowed", "part_of_speech"=>"Past participle"}, {"text"=>"3. Gerund: Glowing", "part_of_speech"=>"Gerund"}, {"text"=>"4. Infinitive: To glow", "part_of_speech"=>"Infinitive"}

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'glowing' comes from the Old English word 'glowan', which means 'to shine', 'to give light', or 'to be luminous'. The past participle of 'glowan' is 'glowed', which is used to describe an object or a situation that has emitted light or appeared luminous in the past.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Bioluminescence: Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by living organisms. Bioluminescence occurs through a chemical reaction that takes place within the organism's cells. This reaction produces a molecule called luciferin, which then reacts with oxygen and the enzyme luciferase to produce light. Bioluminescence is found in a wide variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plankton, fish, sharks, jellyfish, and some invertebrates and even some vertebrates. Bioluminescence is used by these organisms for a variety of purposes, including communication, attracting prey, deterring predators, and even for symbiotic relationships.

  2. Chemiluminescence: Chemiluminescence is the production and emission of light through a chemical reaction, as opposed to bioluminescence, which is produced by living organisms. Chemiluminescence occurs when a substrate is added to an enzyme, causing the enzyme to catalyze a reaction between the substrate and another molecule, such as oxygen. This reaction produces excited states of certain molecules, which then emit light as they return to their ground state. Chemiluminescence is used for various purposes, including scientific research, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and even for industrial processes and forensic investigations. Some common applications of chemiluminescence include the detection of pollutants in water and air, the measurement of hormone levels in the body, the detection of bacteria and viruses in clinical samples, and the detection of explosives and illicit drugs in forensic samples.

Memorize "glowing" using Dictozo

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  1. Highlighting:

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  2. Periodic Reminders:

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