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  • The act of stationing soldiers in a fortified place, especially to protect against attack.

    - "The garrisoning of the fort began in the spring."
    - "The enemy tried to break through the walls of the garrisoned fort."
    - "The garrisoning of the fort was crucial to the defense of the city."

Words rhyming with garrisoning
Arranging , barring , charging , charring , conferring , parading , showing , stowing , towering
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. Garrisoning (en) : The act of stationing soldiers in a fortified place to protect against attack.

  2. Garisoning (en) : A small town or village, especially one with a castle or fortress.

List of all variants of garrisoning that leads to same result
garrison , garrisoned , garrisoning , garrisons
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

{"term"=>"Garrisoning (verb)", "definition"=>"The act of stationing soldiers in a fortified place to protect against attack.", "examples"=>["The fort was garrisoned by a regiment of soldiers.", "The enemy tried to break through the walls of the garrisoned fort.", "The garrisoning of the fort was crucial to the defense of the city."]}, {"term"=>"Garrisoning (noun)", "definition"=>"The act or state of garrisoning, i.e., the act of stationing soldiers in a fortified place to protect against attack.", "examples"=>["The fort was in a state of garrisoning, with soldiers stationed at strategic locations around the fort.", "The enemy tried to break through the walls of the garrisoned fort, but the soldiers stationed there were able to hold them back.", "The garrisoning of the fort was crucial to the defense of the city, as it provided a strategic location from which soldiers could protect the city against enemy attacks."]}

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From Old French garnir ‘to fit out, equip’, from Latin garnire ‘to furnish with weapons, equipment, supplies, or food; to make ready, prepare, fit out’.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

Garrisoning has played a significant role in history, particularly during times of war. The act of garrisoning a fortified place has been used to protect against enemy attacks, to store supplies and weapons, and to provide shelter and protection for soldiers and civilians alike.

Memorize "garrisoning" using Dictozo

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