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  • The act of removing or obliterating marks, writing, or other visible signs.

    - "He erased his mistake on the whiteboard."
    - "She gently erased the pencil marks on her son's face."


Words rhyming with erasing
eradicating , dislocating , allocating , accelerating , decelerating , collocating , de-escalating , de-allocating , de-radicalizing , re-allocating , re-escalating , re-radicalizing
Words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins
  1. Erasing (None (Capitalized word with no language code)) : This term has no defined meaning without a language code or additional context.

  2. Erasing (English) : The act of removing or obliterating marks, writing, or other visible signs.

  3. Erasing (Spanish) : eliminar, borrar, obliterar, cancelar, suprimir, negar, refutar, desmentir

  4. Erasing (German) : löschen, tilgen, radieren, obliterieren, auslöschen, abschneiden, aussetzen, abstellen, aus dem Spiel nehmen, von der Arbeit nehmen, vom Projekt nehmen

  5. Erasing (French) : effacer, éraser, biffer, faire disparaitre, faire disparaître, faire disparaître complètement, faire disparaître complètement et définitivement, faire disparaître complètement et définitivement, faire disparaître complètement et définitivement, faire disparaître complètement et définitivement

  6. Erasing (Italian) : eliminare, togliere, cancellare, effacere, eliminare completamente, togliere completamente, cancellare completamente, effacere completamente, eliminare completamente e definitivamente, togliere completamente e definitivamente, cancellare completamente e definitivamente, effacere completamente e definitivamente

  7. Erasing (Portuguese) : apagar, eliminar, cancelar, apagar completamente, eliminar completamente, cancelar completamente, apagar completamente e definitivamente, eliminar completamente e definitivamente, cancelar completamente e definitivamente, apagar completamente e definitivamente

  8. Erasing (Russian) : удалять, убирать, скрывать, скрывать полностью, удалять полностью, убирать полностью, скрывать полностью и окончательно, удалять полностью и окончательно, убирать полностьously and definitively, скрывать полностью and definitively

  9. Erasing (Chinese) : 擦去,抹去,擦除,擦除完全,抹去完全,擦除完全,擦除完全和定论性,抹去完全和定论性,擦除完全和定论性,擦除完全和定论性

List of all variants of erasing that leads to same result
erasabilities , erasability , erasable , erase , erased , erases , erasing
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'erasing' comes from the Middle English word 'erisen', which means 'to rise up' or 'to obliterate'. This word is derived from the Old French word 'ereser', which means 'to rub away' or 'to erase'.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The word 'erasing' comes from the Old English word 'erasian', which means 'to grind off, rub away, or obliterate'.

  2. The act of erasing has been used in various forms of art, literature, and music. For example, in music, erasing or 'scratching' a record was a common technique used by DJs to create unique sound effects and blend multiple songs together. In literature, erasing or 'striking through' text was a common way of revising or correcting mistakes in written documents. In art, erasing or 'rubbing out' lines or details was a common way of correcting mistakes or refining the details in a drawing or painting.

  3. Erasing or 'scratching' a record was a common technique used by DJs to create unique sound effects and blend multiple songs together. This technique gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, when DJs began using two or more records at the same time to create seamless transitions between songs. Erasing or 'scratching' a record was an essential tool for DJs to achieve this effect. It involved using a sharp object, such as a needle or a pen, to scratch or etch patterns or designs into the surface of the record. The depth and intensity of the scratches depended on the pressure applied by the DJ and the sharpness of the object used to scratch the record. The result was a unique sound effect that could be used to introduce a new song, transition between two songs, or create a distinctive sound signature for a DJ's performances. Erasing or 'scratching' a record was a vital skill for DJs to master in order to create unique and innovative sound effects that would captivate and engage audiences in the world of DJing and electronic dance music.

Memorize "erasing" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize erasing is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.