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  • The state of not dreaming.

    - "He slept soundly and remained dreamless throughout the night."
    - "After a long day of work, she finally lay down to rest, hoping for a dreamless sleep."

Words rhyming with dreamless
dream , seem , beam , stream , fream , reem , bream , team , scheam , reamer , deamer , reaming , reams , reamful , reamless
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. dream, dreamed, dreaming, dreamt, dreams

List of all variants of dreamless that leads to same result
dream , dreamful , dreamfully , dreamfulness , dreamfulnesses , dreamless , dreamlessly , dreamlessness , dreamlessnesses , dreamlike , dreams
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

The word 'dreamless' is an adjective that describes the absence of dreams. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a state of being dreamless or a person who is devoid of dreams. In its adjective form, 'dreamless' can modify a noun to indicate the absence of dreams in relation to that noun. For example, 'a dreamless night' or 'a dreamless sleep'. In its noun form, 'dreamless' can function as the subject or object of a sentence, as well as the complement of a linking verb. For example, 'The dreamless state is hard to achieve.' or 'She longed for a dreamless night.'.

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From Old English drēam, drēamel, from Proto-Germanic *drumaz, from Proto-Indo-European *drue- (see drudge) + -maz (cognate with Old Norse drömm, drömluft, Old High German truomaz, German Träume, and English dream).

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

In Western culture, the term 'dreamless' is not commonly used. Instead, the absence of dreams is often described as 'not dreaming', 'asleep without dreams', or 'having a dreamless sleep'. In Eastern cultures, the absence of dreams is sometimes considered a desirable state, particularly during meditation or deep contemplation. In such contexts, the term 'dreamless' may be used to describe this state of consciousness.

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