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  • Noun

    The act or feeling of losing interest or enthusiasm for something previously enjoyed.

    - "After years of marriage, they experienced disenchantment with each other."
    - "The disenchantment of the fans grew as the team continued to lose games."
  • Noun

    The state of having been deprived of the pleasure or excitement that one expected or desired.

    - "The honeymoon period was over, and they both felt a sense of disenchantment."
    - "The disenchantment of the audience was palpable as the play dragged on."

Words rhyming with disenchantment
disenchanted , chanted , enchanted , entranced
List of all variants of disenchantment that leads to same result
disenchant , disenchanted , disenchanter , disenchanters , disenchanting , disenchantingly , disenchantment , disenchantments , disenchants
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

Middle English: from dis- 'undo' + enchant 'enchant'. Disenchantment is the opposite of enchantment.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. Disenchantment is often used metaphorically to describe the loss of faith or belief in political or religious ideologies.

  2. The term 'disenchantment' first appeared in English literature in the 1400s.

  3. Disenchantment is a common theme in fairy tales, where the hero or heroine experiences a period of disillusionment before ultimately finding happiness or true love.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Disillusionment: Disillusionment is a closely related concept to disenchantment, as both refer to the loss of faith or belief in something. However, disillusionment often implies a sense of betrayal or deception, whereas disenchantment can refer to a more general loss of interest or enthusiasm.

  2. Cynicism: Cynicism is a related concept to disenchantment, as both refer to a negative or skeptical attitude towards the world. However, cynicism often implies a more active and deliberate rejection of optimism and idealism, whereas disenchantment can refer to a more passive and unconscious loss of faith or enthusiasm.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

Disenchantment is a common theme in literature, particularly in works that explore the disillusionment of characters with their lives or relationships. It is also a central theme in philosophical and psychological discussions of the human condition.

How to Memorize "disenchantment"

  1. visualize

    - To visualize disenchantment, imagine a once-beloved object or experience that has lost its charm or appeal. See the disappointment and sadness on the faces of those who have experienced disenchantment.

  2. associate

    - To memorize disenchantment, associate it with feelings of sadness, disappointment, and loss. Remember the sensation of no longer finding pleasure or excitement in something that was once cherished.

  3. mnemonics

    - To help remember the meaning of disenchantment, use the mnemonic 'Dis-enchanted: Dis-illusioned, Dis-appointed, Dis-enchored'.

Memorize "disenchantment" using Dictozo

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