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  • The process by which centralized authority or control is transferred to a lower or more local level.

    - "In some countries, there has been a devolution of power from the central government to the regions or provinces."
    - "An example of devolution in the business world is the outsourcing of certain functions or operations to third-party providers or vendors."
  • A decline or deterioration in the condition, quality, or level of something.

    - "Despite the best efforts of the conservationists, the population of the endangered species continued to devolve due to habitat loss and fragmentation."

Words rhyming with devolving
developing , revolving , evolving , resolving , collapsing , imploding , digressing , progressing
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. devil's adviser

  2. device for measuring depth

  3. development of a new product

  4. deviation from a planned route

List of all variants of devolving that leads to same result
devolve , devolved , devolves , devolving
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

devolving (present participle), devolved (past tense), devolutionary (adjective), devolutionist (noun)

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The term 'devolution' comes from the Latin word 'devolutus', which means 'having been given back' or 'having been returned to a lower or more local level'.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. decentralization: The process by which authority, decision-making power, and control are distributed away from a centralized entity or location towards more local or decentralized levels.

  2. devolutionary theory: A scientific theory that explains the process by which complex biological structures or systems evolve over time through a series of small, incremental changes or mutations, rather than through sudden, cataclysmic events or transformations.

  3. devolutionary finance: A financial theory and practice that seeks to apply the principles and concepts of devolutionary theory to the field of finance and financial systems, with the goal of promoting greater decentralization, distributed decision-making, and control in financial systems and markets.

  4. devolutionary economics: A branch of economics that seeks to apply the principles and concepts of devolutionary theory to the field of economics and economic systems, with the goal of promoting greater decentralization, distributed decision-making, and control in economic systems and markets.

  5. devolutionary biology: A branch of biology that seeks to apply the principles and concepts of devolutionary theory to the study of biological structures, functions, and systems, with the goal of promoting a better understanding of the evolutionary processes that have shaped the natural world.

  6. devolutionary linguistics: A branch of linguistics that seeks to apply the principles and concepts of devolutionary theory to the study of languages, their structures, functions, and historical development, with the goal of promoting a better understanding of the evolutionary processes that have shaped languages and their place in human culture.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

The term 'devolution' has been used in various cultural contexts to describe the transfer of power or authority from a centralized entity to a more local or decentralized level. This can be seen in the political history of various countries, such as Scotland and Wales in the United Kingdom, Catalonia in Spain, and Quebec in Canada. The concept of devolution has also been used in various cultural contexts to describe the transfer of knowledge, skills, and traditions from one generation to the next, or from one community to another. This can be seen in various cultural traditions, such as apprenticeships in crafts and trades, passing down family recipes and cooking techniques, and sharing knowledge and skills in various cultural and community contexts.

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