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  • meaning 1: The term 'conjugal' refers to the state of being married or the relationship between a married couple.

    - "The couple's conjugal visits were crucial for maintaining their relationship."
    - "The legal term 'conjugal rights' refers to the right of a married person to have sexual relations with their spouse."
    - "The couple's conjugal lifestyle was a source of envy for their single friends."
  • meaning 2: The term 'conjugal' can also refer to the act of being married or the institution of marriage itself.

    - "The couple's conjugal status was recognized by the government."
    - "The couple's conjugal bed was a symbol of their commitment to each other."
    - "The couple's conjugal rights were protected by law."


Words rhyming with conjugal
marital , martial , matrimonial
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. homonym conjugal: religious or married; homonym conjugate: to bring together or to form a compound

List of all variants of conjugal that leads to same result
conjugal , conjugalities , conjugality , conjugally , conjugal rights , conjugal visit
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

conjugal (adjective): pertaining to marriage or married life., conjugal (noun): the state of being married or the relationship between a married couple., conjugal (verb): to bring together or to form a compound in the context of marriage or married life.

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The term 'conjugal' comes from the Latin word 'conjugalis', which means 'pertaining to marriage'.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Marriage: A legally or socially recognized union between two individuals, typically for life and often involving exclusive rights and responsibilities, such as cohabitation, joint ownership of property, and financial support.

  2. Domestic Partnership: A legal or social relationship between two individuals, typically not married, who live together and share certain rights and responsibilities, such as health insurance, property rights, and inheritance rights.

  3. Civil Union: A legal relationship between two individuals, typically not married, which grants them certain rights and responsibilities, such as health insurance, property rights, and inheritance rights, and which is similar to marriage but without the religious or symbolic connotations.

  4. Common Law Marriage: A legally recognized marriage between two individuals, typically without a formal ceremony or marriage license, based on the couple's intent to be married and their cohabitation and public displays of affection as evidence of their marital relationship.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

The term 'conjugal' has been used in various cultural contexts to refer to the state of being married or the relationship between a married couple. In literature, the term 'conjugal visits' was used to refer to the periodic visits granted to prisoners who were married. In music, the term 'conjugal rights' was used to refer to the legal right of a married person to have sexual relations with their spouse. In art, the term 'conjugal bed' was used to refer to the marital bed, which was a symbol of the commitment and intimacy shared between a married couple.

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