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  • acting in a way that is intended to calm or please someone

    - "She tried to appease her angry boss by agreeing to work late."
    - "The diplomat worked tirelessly to appease both sides in the conflict."



calm , lull , pacify , placate , quell , quiet , still , mollify , propitiate
Words rhyming with appeasing
allay , ballet , calm , gallimaufry , halley , halo , palace , palliate , palo , relay , stray , survey , way , wane
List of all variants of appeasing that leads to same result
appeasable , appease , appeased , appeaser , appeasers , appeases , appeasing
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From the late 15th century, the term 'appease' comes from the Middle English word 'appeisen', which is derived from the Old French word 'apaiser', meaning 'to quiet, pacify, or allay'. Over the centuries, the term 'appease' has come to mean 'acting in a way that is intended to calm or please someone', often with the implication of addressing underlying issues or resolving conflicts.

Quotes by authors and personalities
  1. The California legislature's solution to this seemingly intractable problem was a politically appealing package with features to "appease" both utility investors and ratepayers.

    - Benjamin A. Holden,{it}Wall Street Journal{/it},19 Feb. 1997
  2. But I imagine he and his siblings, who profited handsomely from the sale, have mixed emotions. They may be sad they had to sell, yet relieved that they are no longer under pressure to "appease" Wall Street's demand for growth and profits.

    - James Laube,{it}Wine Spectator{/it},31 Mar. 2005
  3. It was last summer, and Gingell, then Sun Microsystems's chief software engineer, had an excuse: His twin-engine Cessna had broken down, and he'd lost track of time while he gabbed on the phone with his mechanic. That wasn't likely to "appease" Sun's famously tart-tongued CEO, Scott McNealy, who was getting his introductory briefing on a vital new technology initiative that happened to be Gingell's brainchild.

    - Erick Schonfeld,{it}Business 2.0{/it},September 2002
  4. The first is that, in affluent America, mothering has gone from an art to a cult, with devotees driving themselves to ever more baroque extremes to "appease" the goddess of perfect motherhood.

    - Judith Shulevitz,{it}New York Times Book Review{/it},20 Feb. 2005

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