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  • Verb

    To apportion or distribute (land, resources, etc.) in portions or allotments

    - "The government allots land to farmers for agricultural purposes."
    - "The company allots bonuses to its employees based on their performance."
  • Verb

    To assign or designate for a particular purpose or use

    - "The manager allots specific tasks to each team member."
    - "The university allots scholarships to deserving students."

Words rhyming with allot
lot , spot , rot , pot , not , wot
List of all variants of allot that leads to same result
allot , allots , allotted , allotter , allotters , allotting
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

From Old French aloter, from alouer to distribute, from al, all + lot, share, portion

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The term 'allotment' is often used to refer to a piece of land that is rented or leased by individuals or families for the purpose of gardening or agriculture.

  2. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, the term 'allotment' is also used to refer to a small, self-contained housing unit, especially in the context of social housing.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Distribution: The process of allocating resources, goods, or opportunities among a group of people or entities

  2. Portion: A part or share of something, especially food

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

The term 'allot' has been used extensively in literature, particularly in the context of land distribution in rural communities. For instance, in George Orwell's 'Animal Farm,' the pigs are given allotments of land to work and live on.

How to Memorize "allot"

  1. visualize

    - Imagine a farmer distributing land to his workers, with each worker being given a specific allotment.
    - Visualize a company manager assigning tasks to his team members, with each team member being given a specific allotment of responsibilities.

  2. associate

    - Associate the word 'allot' with 'distribution' or 'assignment'.
    - Associate the word 'allot' with the idea of sharing or portioning out resources or tasks.

  3. mnemonics

    - Use the mnemonic 'All Ottos Own Lots' to remember the meaning of 'allot' as 'to distribute' or 'assign'.

Memorize "allot" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize allot is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.