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  • Meaning 1: Unhale means to breathe out or exhale.

    - "I will unhale deeply to let go of all the carbon dioxide in my lungs."
    - "The diver signaled to his team that he was ready to unhale, or breathe out, so they could help him ascend back to the surface."

Words rhyming with unhale
hale , ail , ale , wale , tail , jail , mail
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. hale (en) : healthy, strong, or robust

List of all variants of unhale that leads to same result
inhale , inhaled , inhales , inhaling
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'unhale' is a combination of two words: 'un-' and 'hale'. The prefix 'un-' means 'to undo, reverse, or counteract'. The word 'hale' is an Old English word that means 'healthy, strong, or robust'. Therefore, the word 'unhale' can be defined as 'to breathe out or exhale' (un- + hale).

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

In various cultures, the term 'unhale' has been used in different contexts. For instance, in ancient Chinese medicine, the term 'unhale' was used to describe the process of releasing or expelling wind, or Qi, from the body. In this context, the term 'unhale' was believed to have the therapeutic effect of alleviating various types of pain, discomfort, or inflammation in the body. Another example of the cultural usage of the term 'unhale' can be found in the traditional practices of certain indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest. In these communities, the term 'unhale' was used to describe the process of blowing or spitting tobacco juice or other herbal infusions into the mouth, followed by the act of exhaling or blowing out the tobacco smoke or herbal vapors through the nose or mouth. In this context, the term 'unhale' was believed to have the ceremonial and medicinal significance of cleansing, purifying, and invigorating the body, mind, and spirit. Therefore, in various cultural contexts, the term 'unhale' has been used to describe different processes, practices, or therapeutic effects, all of which involve the act of breathing out or exhaling.

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