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  • A person who dedicates their life to the study of God or the divine.

    - "The theologian spent hours in deep thought, studying the word of God."
    - "With a passion for God's word, the theologian dedicated their life to studying theology and sharing their knowledge with others."
  • An expert in religious studies, particularly in the study of God or the divine.

    - "As a renowned theologian, he was invited to give a lecture on theology at the prestigious university."
    - "With a deep understanding of religious texts and a passion for sharing his knowledge with others, he became a respected theologian in his community."

Words rhyming with theologist
theologian , stratagem , venerian , verian , veneerian , veneerian , venezuelan , venezuelan
List of all variants of theologist that leads to same result
theologise , theologised , theologises , theologising , theologize
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

The study of theology can take various forms, including but not limited to: historical theology, which focuses on the historical development of theology and religious beliefs; systematic theology, which deals with the logical and systematic arrangement of theological concepts and beliefs; practical theology, which focuses on the practical application of theological concepts and beliefs to everyday life and ministry; and spiritual theology, which deals with the spiritual dimensions of theology and religious beliefs.

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The word 'theologian' comes from the Greek words 'theos' meaning 'god' and 'logia' meaning 'study of' or 'teachings about'. Thus, a theologian is someone who studies the teachings about God or the divine.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Apologetics: Apologetics is the branch of theology that deals with defending and explaining the Christian faith and its beliefs and practices. It involves the use of reason, evidence, and argumentation to support and defend the Christian faith and its beliefs and practices.

  2. Philosophy of Religion: Philosophy of Religion is a subfield of philosophy that deals with the nature and foundations of religious belief and practice. It involves the use of philosophical methods and tools, such as logic, metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, to analyze and evaluate the nature and foundations of religious belief and practice. It also involves the examination of the relationship between religion and other areas of human life, such as science, ethics, and politics.

  3. Comparative Religion: Comparative Religion is a subfield of theology and religious studies that deals with the comparison and analysis of the beliefs, practices, and institutions of different religions. It involves the use of historical, philosophical, anthropological, and sociological methods and tools to analyze and compare the different aspects of various religions. It also involves the examination of the historical and cultural contexts in which different religions have developed and evolved over time. Comparative religion is an interdisciplinary field of study that requires a broad and comprehensive understanding of the historical, philosophical, anthropological, and sociological dimensions of various religions.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

Theologians have played significant roles in various cultures throughout history. They have contributed to the development of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions. In many cultures, theologians have been regarded as spiritual leaders, teachers, and counselors. They have provided guidance and support to individuals and communities in times of spiritual need and crisis.

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