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  • A mythical creature with the head of a jolt and the body of a fish or a bird. It is said to bring good luck to fishermen.

    - "The fisherman's lucky charm was a jolthead."
    - "Fishermen often told stories of the jolthead, the mythical creature that brought good luck to those at sea."

Words rhyming with jolthead
jolt , bolt , coat , boats
Words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
  1. jolt (verb) - to shake or jar violently. Example: The earthquake jolted the entire city.

  2. jolt (noun) - a sharp, sudden impact or jar. Example: The jolt from the car accident sent waves of pain through his body.

List of all variants of jolthead that leads to same result
jolt , jolted , jolter , jolters , jolting , jolts
Different forms of the word (e.g., verb conjugations, plural forms, comparative/superlative forms for adjectives).

The jolthead is a mythical creature that has various forms depending on the cultural or artistic tradition that depicts it. In some traditions, the jolthead is depicted as a fish with the head of a jolt or bolt. In other traditions, the jolthead is depicted as a bird with the head of a jolt or bolt. In still other traditions, the jolthead is depicted as a mischievous or playful creature that can take on various forms and shapes, as long as it has the distinctive head of a jolt or bolt. Regardless of its specific form or appearance, the jolthead remains a beloved and intriguing figure in many parts of the world.

origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

The origin of the word 'jolthead' is uncertain. Some believe it may be derived from the Old English word 'goldehafoc', which means 'golden-headed hawk'. Others believe it may be a corruption of the Scandinavian word 'jalpand', which means 'prankster'. Regardless of its true origin, the word 'jolthead' has come to be associated with the mythical creature that brings good luck to fishermen.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. mermaid: A mermaid is a mythical creature that has the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a fish. In some cultures, mermaids are believed to be enchanting and seductive creatures that can lure sailors to their deaths with their mesmerizing songs and beautiful appearances. In other cultures, mermaids are believed to be benevolent and protective creatures that can heal the sick and calm the stormy seas with their soothing songs and gentle appearances. Regardless of their specific cultural significance or interpretation, mermaids remain a beloved and intriguing figure in many parts of the world.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

The jolthead is a mythical creature that has been a part of various cultures throughout history. In some cultures, the jolthead is believed to be a guardian spirit that protects fishermen at sea. In other cultures, the jolthead is depicted as a mischievous creature that brings good luck to those who encounter it. Regardless of its specific cultural significance, the jolthead remains a beloved and intriguing figure in many parts of the world.

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