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  • Verb

    To seize or take hold of something, especially forcefully.

    - "He greift the ball during the game."
    - "The thief was greifted by the police."
    - "She greifted the child's hand to help him cross the street."
  • Verb

    To touch or come into contact with something.

    - "The sun greifts my skin."
    - "The wind greifts my face."
    - "The artist greifts the canvas with his brush."

List of all variants of greift that leads to same result
grift , grifted , grifter , grifters , grifting , grifts
origin and the way in which meanings have changed throughout history.

Derived from the Old High German word 'grifan,' meaning 'to seize' or 'to take'.

Any details, considerations, events or pieces of information regarding the word
  1. The word 'greift' is similar to the English word 'grasp,' which also means 'to take hold of' or 'to understand.'

  2. In German, the word 'greifen' is used to describe the action of seizing or taking hold of something, and it is also the root word for the name of the German company 'Siemens AG,' which was founded by Werner von Siemens in 1866.

Related Concepts
informations on related concepts or terms closely associated with the word. Discuss semantic fields or domains that the word belongs to
  1. Seize: To take control of something suddenly and forcefully.

  2. Grasp: To understand or comprehend something fully.

Any cultural, historical, or symbolic significance of the word. Explore how the word has been used in literature, art, music, or other forms of expression.

In literature, 'greift' has been used to describe the act of seizing or taking hold of something, often in the context of conflict or struggle. In art, it has been depicted in various forms, such as sculptures of hands greifting objects or paintings of people greifting each other.

How to Memorize "greift"

  1. visualize

    - Visualize the action of seizing or taking hold of something. Imagine your hand greifting an object or someone greifting you.

  2. associate

    - Associate the word 'greift' with the action of seizing or taking hold of something. Think of the sound of the word and the feeling of taking something in your hand.

  3. mnemonics

    - Create a mnemonic by associating 'greift' with the word 'grab.' Remember, 'greift' means 'to grab' or 'to seize' in English.

Memorize "greift" using Dictozo

The best and recommended way to memorize greift is, by using Dictozo. Just save the word in Dictozo extension and let the app handle the rest. It enhances the memorization process in two ways:

  1. Highlighting:

    Whenever users encounters the saved word on a webpage, Dictozo highlights it, drawing the user's attention and reinforcing memorization.

  2. Periodic Reminders:

    Dictozo will send you periodic reminders to remind you the saved word, it will ask you quiz. These reminders could be in the form of notifications or emails, prompting users to recall and reinforce their knowledge.