Stuck with difficult words while reading articles?

Use Dictozo to auto highlight those words with their meanings & translations

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Ditch the dictionary

Reading simplified

Dictozo lets you save definitions and translations of words from any webpage, and auto highlight them on every next occurrence on any different web-page. So you don't need to search them again

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110+ Official Languages

Not just English, Dictozo works with any other official language across the globe


Instant In-page Translations

Search definitions of more than 310,000 English words in more than 110 languages at blazing fast speed without even leaving the current tab

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Translate whole phrases

You can translate whole phrase in without even leaving the page.

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Replace any word with custom text

Replace the word in webpage with any custom text which looks more reliable to you to remember. So in case, you can replace any word e.g. ersatz with any new word e.g. substitute on any webpage

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Write your own definition

You can even write anything to create recall value.

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Awesome Features

Cool Features

Dictozo has several cool features apart from above


Web-page Scanning

Scans the page and highlight those words which are already in your saved list, you just have to place the cursor over the word, in order to display the meaning.


Track your learnings

You will be given a dashboard where you can recall and mark learned to those words which you have learned.


Save Anything

You are not limited to save predefined definitions, instead you can write your custom definition in your language and save it


PDF Scan

Not only webpages but dictozo also works on PDFs in chrome.


2 click search

Search just by selecting the word on any webpage.


Export to CSV

Export all saved words to CSV file to use it with any other software.

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$0 / free
  • 20 Words Saves Limit (All time) 500 characters translations per day * Unlimited Searches
  • Save Custom Definition for any word



Everything in free but more

$5 / month
  • Unlimited Words Save Limit (All time)
  • Unlimited characters translations per day *
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Save Custom Definition for any word



Everything in standard with 58% discount

$25 / year
  • Unlimited Words Save Limit (All time)
  • Unlimited characters translations per day *
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Save Custom Definition for any word

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